Livez gives your employees personalized preventive medicine. On autopilot.
Today, employee healthcare is reactive. 60% of employees have a chronic disease. And these employees cost you up to 50 times more per year than others, accounting for 90% of employer health spend.
Livez automatically aligns employees’ prevention plans, behavioral patterns, financial incentives and end-point providers. Making clinical prevention seamless.
Clinical prevention yields highest ROI

One platform,
all health guidelines
Avoid paying for multiple and disjointed programs. Our holistic approach includes comprehensive, evidence-based disease prevention, yielding 40+ preventive services – from cancer to diabetes to depression, for all stages of life.

Go mobile,
drive continuity of care
Provide ‘Health Security on Auto-Pilot’, while being agnostic to health plans, geographical location or Covid-19. Powered by connected devices, big-data, and AI – Livez simply recalculates per person, across life changes.
Equitable premium prevention, for everyone
The future of healthcare is Proactive, Predictive, Personalized Prevention. Make equal access to P4 medicine a reality for all employees, all family members – of any age and health status.
Say hello to a healthier company, driven by P4 Medicine
100% privacy. Guaranteed.
Supported services
Cancer Health
- Skin cancer screening
- Colorectal cancer screening
- Lung cancer screening
- Prostate cancer screening

Women’s Health
- Cervical cancer screening
- Breast cancer screening
Sexual Health
- HIV screening
- Syphilis screening
- Chlamydia screening
- Gonorrhea screening
- Hepatitis B screening
- Hepatitis C screening
- STI screening
Physical Health
- Latent TB screening
- Fall prevention screening
- Musculoskeletal screening

Vision Health
- Vision exam
Heart Health
- Cardiovascular screening
- Blood pressure screening
- Cholesterol screening
- AAA screening
- Weight loss screening
- T2 Diabetes screening
- Obesity screening
- Aspirin medication
- Statin medication
Healthy Behaviors
- Tobacco use screening
- Drug use screening
- Alcohol use screening
Mental Health
- Depression screening
- Domestic partner screening
- Anxiety screening
Dental Health
- Dental exam/cleaning
- Dental X-ray
- Meningitis vaccines
- MMR vaccine
- Pneumonia vaccines
- Td/Tdap vaccines
- Varicella vaccine
- Zoster vaccine
- Influenza vaccine
- Hib vaccine
- Hepatitis A vaccine
- Hepatitis B vaccine
- HPV vaccine
- Coronavirus vaccine